This past year has been an incredible journey through a jungle of emotions. After losing a sister through a VERY traumatic circumstance at the end of 2008, I soon realized what "going through the motions" really meant. I found myself in social situations without a clue of how to respond to people...wanting to be positive and happy, I possessed a cheerful attitude but all the while the inside of me was screaming, what in the world just happened here?!
I know that God in heaven was watching over me and I believe that what I experienced was His peace and grace for that time, but as this year has worn on, the magnitude of what happened when I lost my sister has only sharpened, not dulled.
When you experience any loss, there is sorrow, even if the person we loved is, as we believe, going to heaven. There is the loss of that person here on earth, much like when a loved one might move MANY MILES away and perhaps we knew they would never be able to visit us least not for a very long time.
God surely was with me during this journey, He did not leave me in my sorrow... Life can be like a jungle with it's emotional twists and turns and the path may not be clearly marked. More often than not, we must cut our way through, one step at a time and make the path as we go but if we allow God to guide us, He will bring us safely to the other side.